Day 4:
Our day began at 2:15am {which is kinda normal for us right now, since that would be 8:15am back home -- still adjusting} Which we woke up to but on shorts, jeans, t-shirts, socks, sneakers, long sleeve shirts, hoodies and a scarf. I know, this all sounds un-Maui like, but trust me there was a very good reason for all of this.
We took a bike tour down Haleakala. Which is a huge crater on Maui. It's highest point is 10,023 feet. So we got picked up at the hotel at 3am and then took a van ride with another couple to 'Cruiser Phil's' office to fill out paperwork {which was just like skydiving} they then distribute to you jackets, gloves and rain gear {just in case} then its back in the van for the 1 hour drive to Haleakala. Then the 1 1/2 drive up to the point where you watch the sunrise.
Here is our day thru some pictures....
2:46am is when we finally left the room to get our butts downstairs.

This is at the top of the lookout where we would be watching the sunrise. This is about 6amish above the clouds, 9,000 feet above the ground. {the black is all the clouds}

Us all bundled up waiting for the sunrise.

The sun starting to peak above the clouds ... this is my favorite picture of the day. Magical.

Sunrise :)

10,023 feet. This is the highest point on the crater. For some reason I felt very comfortable right about here ... :) {skydiving}

This is a plant that ONLY grows on this crater and no where else in the world.

At one of the rest points on the bike tour, you can see how we are all geared up for our ride down the mountain.

Look at him pose on his bike ... haha.
After the ride you end up in a small town call Paia. Where we got breakfast {we got there at about 9:15am) and did some walking around. We were back to the hotel by 11:00!! So we suited up and hung out by the pool all day long.
Dinner that night was in downtown Lahiana at IO's. Wow. Just wow. It was incredible. 100% thanks goes to the resort's activities planner for this reservation. The food was knock out wonderful and sooooo fresh!
After that we were beat! Watched another goregous sunset from our balcony and it was even more goregous with the cresent moon hanging above in the starry decorated sky.

<3 Brandie