Saturday, September 12, 2009

Do you live life fully? or Fully live life?

:::Yawns and stretches:::
Last night was a rainy one. :/ Went to see the movie "9" with a few friends and was so excitied about it since I saw the previews .. then we went. ___________________ . Yup, that's how I felt, the movie starts off very abrubtly and then there's alot of comotion and NOT alot of real insight of explanation to whats going on, never a down point for explaining. There's is a brief background or plot, but it will still leave you guessing and on the edge of your seat waiting for, well waiting for {something} something that would tie it all together. But, nothing comes. Nothing is really explained. Then the movie kinda just ends as confusing and abrubtly as it starts. I left feeling really disappointed.
I would go into more detail about the movie and what was oh-so confusing, but it just came out and I don't want to be a spoiler to those who would still like to chance it and go see it.

Today starts a new { rainy } day.
-work till noon
-birthday party for my cousin Emilio
- comedy club tonight in New Haven with Frank

Then - hopefully - sleep.
I say .HOPEFULLY. because tomorrow is the day.


Off to grab my pumpkin spice latte && head to work.
{ mmmmmmmm }
<3 Brandie

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