Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

I think everyone can honestly say they remember where they were when 9/11 occurred. I am originally from New York and that's where I was when the world shook for me. I over slept that day and when I awoke it was to a world that was so different from the world that I fell asleep in. I was now in a world of violence and as far as I could tell at that time it seemed like world war 3. We had no clue what was going on. . . I sat all day in the basement watching and watching and crying not wanting to believe that this was really happening. Still to this day it blows my mind that in our great country that this could happen. Why is there so much hatred? A very good friend of mine experienced a loss, a loss that I will never quite understand. My friend was a young wife married to a fire fighter, a hero, with 2 beautiful children. Then as her husband ran in to save the lives of others his life was lost. As she watched the towers fall she knew deep down her husband was gone and now she was a young widow and her 2 children were left fatherless. Her strength through this has given me strength to endure the hardships of my life. Today I pray, I pray for Michael that he is looking over his family with love as a hero from heaven, I pray for my friend who is strong and beautiful and an inspiration to all, I pray for her children, for them to remember their father who forfeited his life to save the lives of others, for them to remember how much he loves them. Please on this day take a minute for those who lost their lives on this day 8 years ago and for those who still give their lives to provide us with the safety and freedom that we all enjoy.

With much love,
Jessica <3

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